Do I Need A Permit For A Pellet Gun?

Do you need a permit for a pellet gun? No, generally no permit is required for you to own a pellet gun. Pellet guns are not considered firearms under Federal law in the United States, so no permit is required. However some states do regulate pellet guns in the same mannor as they regulate traditional firearms.

Some states also have restrictions regarding the max velocities of pellet and BB guns. Some of the more restrictive states regarding pellet guns are listed below.

These states include the following:

If you state is not lised, it is still a good idea to check your local jurisdiction, click here to find your state and local jurisdiction laws and regulations. aims to provide you with the best information on the Internet regarding air gun laws and regulations. While we make very effort to make sure this information is accurate, always check with your local authorities for the final ruling.

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