Attacker Stopped With A Pellet Gun

Augusta, Maine – On April 22, 2019 police responded to a fight at the Edwards Inn involving a fight with a knife and an air gun. When officers arrived they found the attacker covered in blood from his head to his waist, bleeding from pellet-sized holes in his head.

The victim said he opened his apartment door to find his attacker outside yelling and swearing. The man armed himself with a pellet hand gun and a knife, then proceeded outside to try and claim the man. After exitting his apartment, a struggle ensued, which moved into the man’s apartment.

According to police reports, the attacker gained control of the knife and began to cut the man. The victim managed to pull out his pellet gun and fired 8 shots into the mans head stopping the attack.

The attacker was charged for assault and no charges were placed on the victim as it was determined he attacked in self defense. aims to provide you with the best information on the Internet regarding air gun laws and regulations. While we make very effort to make sure this information is accurate, always check with your local authorities for the final ruling.

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